The B4 Project: "From Constraints to Rules: Compilation of HPSG"
Dale Gerdemann
(project leader)
Thilo Götz
John Griffith
Dieter Martini
Detmar Meurers
Guido Minnen
Research Assistants:
Ralph Albrecht
Bjørn Aldag
Natali Alt
Carsten Hess
Flar Kibiger
Oliver Suhre
Andreas Zahnert
B4 Tech Reports:
P.J. King/T. Götz: Eliminating the Feature Introduction Condition by Modifying Type Inference
G. Minnen/D. Gerdemann: Direct Automated Inversion of Logic Grammars
(.ps) (1993).
T. Götz: A Normal Form For Typed Feature Structures
(.ps.gz) (1994).
G. Minnen: Predictive Left-to-Right Parsing of a Restricted Variant of TAG(LD/LP)
(.ps) (1994).
E. Hinrichs/D. Meurers/T. Nakazawa: Partial-VP and Split-NP Topicalization in German - An HPSG Analysis and its Implementation
P.J. King: An expanded logical formalism for head-driven phrase structure grammar
S. Kepser: A Satisfiability Algorithm for a Typed Feature Logic
(.ps.gz) (1994).
F. Morawietz: Formalization and Parsing of Typed Unification-Based ID/LP Grammars
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